Your product is what you distribute to your audience. To identify your printmaking product and services you will need to disassemble what you have to offer your audience. Think outside the square to gain an understanding of your printmaking product and services.
- What printmaking products or services do you currently offer?
- List everything you can think of.
- What is your current product range?
- List the full extent of your product range.
- What is your core product?
- Your core product is not just what you produce for sale, it is selling a service or an experience the audience wants. It is about what the person will experience when visiting your exhibition or website. The atmosphere which is created. Think about the intangible feelings you can provoke when promoting your work and how this will influence the audience experience. The buyer wants to take that experience with them to their personal space. They are not buying the artwork but the experience or feeling it brings with it.
- What is your formal product?
- The formal product is your prints. The composition and the organisation of the constituent elements in the work.
- What is your augmentable product?
- What can you add in value to your what you already offer. You can offer extended knowledge to your audience by including an artist statement and biography to view for the duration of your exhibition.
- Think about what your offering beyond the tangible artwork. By offering intangible products within the gallery setting such as an exhibition opening, artist talks, Q & A session, and workshops you offer social networking opportunities and optimize and contribute to the experience of the audience adding value to your artwork.
- Additional augmented products to accompany your exhibition within the gallery setting such as a catalogue and post cards
I have shared with you 5 steps to understanding your printmaking product. These steps will not only give you a greater understanding of your printmaking products and services, it will get you closer to your goals.
Happy Printmaking!
To your success.
Jo Lankester
P.S For your free printmaking report go to
P.P.S Remember, happiness doesn't depend upon who you are or what you have, it depends solely upon what you think.
Dale Carnegie