I have been successful in securing an exhibition slot at the Umbrella Contemporary Studios, Townsville Australia to curate a contemporary print exhibition in October 2011. The exhibition will comprise of emerging local printmaking artists who have had little experience exhibiting but are bursting with talent, semi established local printmaking artists will also be invited to exhibit. I have negotiated with the director, Vicki Salisbury, to work with an artist to develop a concept for a sculptural print floor piece. This will be an interesting and challenging process as the artists I have in mind for the show work in either artists books or wall pieces.
There will be a two week open studio workshop with exhibition participants one month prior to the show in the studio below the gallery. This will be a good opportunity for the artists to build a working relationship, swap skills and ideas. The workshop will also act as a critique session giving the artists the opportunity to develop their concepts further before hanging if required.
Happing printmaking.
Jo Lankester
P.S. Discover sustainable business skills at www.howtogetstartedinprintmaking.com
P.P.S The only way of finding the limits of the possible is by going beyond them into the impossible
Theodore Roosevelt
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