Today I will discuss marketing and the relationship between you and your customer.
Some artists think marketing is selling out.....but is it? The Arts Marketing Centre of Chicago website defines marketing as the: ....the process by which you come to understand the relationship between your product and your customer.
Marketing is a sequence of processes and steps defining what you want to achieve in your printmaking business. This is achieved through knowing what you have to offer and also knowing your buyer. Building a relationship with your customer to satisfy their needs and wants by exchanging goods, services (or ideas) for something of value, a neutral exchange.
To know and understand your customer's needs you need to continually ask yourself, how can I help you? This places the emphasis on the customer's needs as the starting point. By placing particular attention on your customer you are bridging the gap between an under confident potential buyer, who most likely will not buy, and a confident recurring customer.
A contribution to the sequence of processes and steps for marketing your printmaking business is thinking outside the square to see what else of value you have to offer and how you can create an income, e.g. post cards, workshops, market stalls, boutique shops, retail outlets etc. Through creative marketing your printmaking business will generate a steady income, build a sustainable business and satisfy the needs of your customers.
Remember: Selling focuses on the needs of sellers' and marketing focuses on the needs of the buyer.
Happy Printmaking!
To your success,
Jo Lankester
P.S To discover more about reaching your target audience go to
P.P.S Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice.
Wayne Dyer
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